Tell that special someone how you feel with the Teleflora P.S. I Love You Flower Arrangement. Two of nature's most exquisite flowers, the rose and the tulip, come together for this spectacular bouquet. With red tulips and fragrant crimson roses for romance, and delicate pink tulips to signify friendship and devotion, this magnificent floral gift creates the sensation you hope for.
Teleflora P.S. I Love You Flower Arrangement Includes:
Arrangement measures approx. 14"W x 13"H
Clear glass vase - measures approx. 5-1/2" in diameter x 8"H $129.99
Teleflora P.S. I Love You Flower Arrangement Includes:
Arrangement measures approx. 14"W x 13"H
Clear glass vase - measures approx. 5-1/2" in diameter x 8"H $129.99